Be a knowledgeable and confident boat operator.

  • Zoom, dockside, and underway lessons
  • Understanding your vessel, safety and operational checks.
  • Operations in any conditions.

Vessel Operations

Knowledge is Skill

Instruction: Vessel ability. Crew Ability. Communications. Aspects of Navigation. Collision Avoidance. Docking. Close Quarters Maneuvering. Etiquette. Minimizing and analyzing risks. Sail Plan.

Instructor Bradley Angle: With over 22 years of working maritime experience, and 15 years of pleasure craft experience, I am prepared to walk away from any client who is not ready to take boating seriously. At the same time, I boat because I am passionate about the water and people I meet on the water. I have a 500 GRT Master License, an MBA, and am an up-and-coming Bay Area Maritime Historian.

Browse our list of Captains for additional instructors, here.

I enjoy working with boaters who are excited to learn about the fundamentals first. Boating is a mindset before a skillset. As the old adage goes “The good seaman weathers the storm he cannot avoid, and avoids the storm he cannot weather,” I practice simple rules of risk mitigation. Before we ever leave the dock, we need a high confidence we can return to it safely and within acceptable risks. Furthermore, I believe that risk aversion differs for everyone. My classes place a premium on safety orientation, but that doesn’t suggest that my recreational attitudes on boating are expressed with the same behavior – life is short. (Those are my kids back in 2018, leaving KKMI Richmond.)



Our classes can happen in various places and through various medians. I am located in Albany California and can travel throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. I do not offer classes on my own vessel. The vessel owner must be aboard all vessels that are used during lessons.

Capt. Bradley Angle

Lessons and Operations

For all questions it is easiest to reach me through this contact form. You can also reach out at or text me at 510.883.4685. Most, but not all, of the captains on this site are available for lessons. It’s important to remeber the inherent risks in boating – our captains will not participate in rushed, risky, or unsafe situations. 

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