
This form is to be completed in a timely manner for those who are contracting with Bay Captain or Bradley Angle. Fill out to the best of your ability and don’t over-think any of the answers. We will use this as a base to begin the process of working together.

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Bay Captain FAQs

How can we start working together?

Once we establish if your needs and my capabilities are compatible, I’ll ask you to fill out this form (Vessel/Owner Information Sheet). As soon as we square away all the details, we’re in business.

Do the vessel and haul out details need to be precise?

Not at this point, no. Just give me your best guess and we’ll move forward from there.

Why do you need to know my insurance info?

Like any business, I have to manage my risks and manage risks for my customers. Most boat insurance companies are aware owners contract professional captains. Therefore, licensed captains are normally covered by the owner’s policy, with various terminology. I’m just asking you to check your policy at this point. There are options…

What are your qualifications?

Over 20 years of maritime vessel operations. A 500 ton USCG master license. Experience operating hundreds (this is literal) of marine platforms and vessels.

Want to learn more?

Not finding the information you need? Contact me at or hit this button…

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